/!\ This is a work in progress! /!\
Credit goes to:
Trishmod anon
Wani misery anon
All of the other team members who wished to remain anonymous
Nerd (indirectly, for inspiring the project)
...and (You) for playing!
[2024-10-31] v0.5
* Added changelog file :^)
* VA is now optional, default off
* Updated crowd displayable
* Added scenes for W2D4
* Extended some scenes W2D2-W2END
* Choreography, CGs for W2D2-W2END
* Redone Damien notebook cg
* New Ozzy sprites
[2024-07-12] v0.4
* Choreography, CGs up to W1D5-W2D1
* Circlewipe chapter transition
* New Prockling sprites
[2024-04-14] v0.3
* Choreography, CGs for W1D3-W1D4
* Stopped doing VA for the time being
[2024-03-06] v0.2
* Choreography, VA, CGs up to the end of W1D2
* New Liz, Ben sprites
[2024-02-10] v0.1
* Choreography, VA, placeholder CGs up to W1D2S6
* Basic scaffolding, utils, constants, sprites, bgs, etc
* Skeletons for some WIP/unused displayables (phone, rollingbg, etc)